Thursday, January 13, 2011


Hi, My name is Mike Brown.  As you have probably guessed, I own an Iphone and I love it.  When I first got this niftty device, I was just like everyone else. I was spending $30 + just checking out apps, some of them weren't much good anyway. But the Apple Store won't give us any refunds, in fact I don't even think there is such a policy in motion.  Then I met a good friend of mine who had an Iphone as well. He was watching NBA Live on his phone for free!  Needless to say more, I had to find what he was doing.  And just like that, my eyes were opened up to the world of jailbreaking.  Not only could I do a whole lot more stuff on my Iphone, but I was doing a whole lot of it for FREE

That's fun and cool and all, but not the purpose of this blog.  As I ventured into many websites delving in on the subject, I found a lot of the information to be outdated and spread out in many places.  This has resulted in me scouring  over tons of websites for what should be easily accessible information. To be quite honest with you, I'm sick of the hunt.  So I created this blog to keep all of this new info and tools all in one place. It's gonna take me a while to get enough posts to even close to cover all the information we all want to know, but we've got to start somewhere.  This blog is to tell you how to jailbreak your device, tips on upkeep, and various potholes I have stepped in along the way.  If I've already gone through it already, there's no need for you to do so. 

Now there is absolutely no way I can get EVERTHING in here, so everyone's help is very much appreciated.  Any helpful links, new information, updates, all are welcome.  I don't profess to be smart by any means.   I can only drive the car, I'm no mechanic.  The smart guys are the ones who actually put together these debian packages.  I am in complete awe of them.  But you are privy to any knowledge I have and are always welcome to ask me any questions at all.   If I don't already know the answer, I'll be more than happy to go to the ends of the earth to find out for you.   I'd like to thank you all for checking out my blog and really hope that it's a help to you in your jailbreaking experience-

Mike Brown